How to host an amazing corporate event?

Today, as never before, we are aware of the value of teamwork – both at sports and at work. A popular way to make new connections, build community and sense of belonging in companies is to organize events. But how do you go about it? How to prepare a good corporate event?

9/9/20231 min read

Let us walk you through it:

🎭 Choose a theme – it could be some anniversary or a charity event, something taking inspiration from the colours of your logo, a joint barbecue or even a talent contest!

🕺Think about what you'll be able to do together and write it all down in one place. Also, come up with a few simple activities in case something goes wrong or you'll need to kick-start the party a bit.

💲 Determine how it will be financed (e.g. by sponsors or contributions), and then, taking into account the theme, prepare a realistic (read: worst-case scenario) budget and stick to it.

📨Send invitations that will include: the place, time and type of the event, the specified sender and recipient, and all other information that will be needed, e.g. the applicable dress code.

🪄 Keep things tidy – which can be especially difficult at larger events. But you have to ensure that no one falls over on the proverbial banana peel!

That's where we can step in😊

Good luck!